Table Mountain Crime Map

All the most recent incidents of crime, muggings and accidents that have happened in the greater Table Mountain National Park area. This is the most up to date Table Mountain Crime Map.
Many thanks to Andre C for updating and maintaining this Table Mountain Crime Map.

How to Use the Table Mountain Crime Map

To use the Table Mountain Crime Map, you can simple scroll through the map and zoom in and out over the areas of interest.

Click on any of the Green, Yellow, Blue or Red icons to get more details about the incident that took place.

Remember that there is potential for mis-information on the map, and this is not verified by any official organization or law-enforcement, though the publisher does make an attempt to make sure the map is as accurate as possible.


Blue icons show an incident where no physical violence occurred, and there were no injuries sustained.

Red icons show an incident where there was evidence or reports of physical harm or violence to the victim of the crime.

Icon showing a walker, in a blue colour

Walking icons indicate an incident that occurred involving someone on foot - likely a hiker or trail runner. This example would indicate an incident involving a hiker who was not harmed.

Icon showing the front of a vehicle, in a blue colour

Vehicle icons indicate an incident involving a vehicle that was damaged. Most often, this is a car break-in where the window of the vehicle is smashed, and the contents inside the vehicle are taken.

That is why it is so important (as discussed in our Security in Cape Town Guide), that you never leave anything in your car that is visible, or valuable.

Icon showing a start, in an orange colour

Star icons are a general warning issued by an organization or individual. These are generally BOLO (be on the lookout) notices when SanParks or another organization are aware of an individual or group that are operating in a specific area.

Icon showing a cyclist, in a red colour

Bicycle icons indicate an incident involving a cyclist. In this example, because the icon is red, there was physical harm caused to the cyclist by the perpitrators.

Icon showing an officer in orange colour

Officer icons indicate an arrest or action taken by a body of some sort. This is good news!

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